Cloud Providers
GCP Compute Engine

GCP Compute Engine

In this guide, you will learn how to deploy the Coder control plane instance and your first template.


This guide assumes you have roles/compute.instanceAdmin.v1 access to your Google Cloud Platform project.

Launch a Coder instance from the Google Cloud Marketplace

We publish an Ubuntu 22.04 VM image with Coder and Docker pre-installed. Search for Coder v2 in the GCP Marketplace or use direct link.

Coder on GCP Marketplace

Be sure to keep the default firewall options checked so you can connect over HTTP, HTTPS, and SSH.

We recommend keeping the default instance type (e2-standard-4, 4 cores and 16 GB memory) if you plan on provisioning Docker containers as workspaces on this VM instance. Keep in mind this platforms is intended for proof-of-concept deployments and you should adjust your infrastructure when preparing for production use. See: Scaling Coder

Be sure to add a keypair so that you can connect over SSH to further configure Coder.

After launching the instance, wait 30 seconds and navigate to the public IPv4 address. You should be redirected to a public tunnel URL.

Coder on GCP Marketplace start

That's all! Use the UI to create your first user, template, and workspace. We recommend starting with a Docker template since the instance has Docker pre-installed.

Coder Workspace and IDE in GCP VM

Configuring Coder server

Coder is primarily configured by server-side flags and environment variables. Given you created or added key-pairs when launching the instance, you can configure your Coder deployment by logging in via SSH or using the console:

ssh ubuntu@<gcp-public-IPv4>
sudo vim /etc/coder.d/coder.env # edit config
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart coder # restart Coder

Give developers VM workspaces (optional)

Instead of running containers on the Coder instance, you can offer developers full VM instances with the gcp-linux template.

Before you can use this template, you must authorize Coder to create VM instances in your GCP project. Follow the instructions in the gcp-linux template README to set up authentication.

Next Steps

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