Open Source • Self-Hosted • Multi-Cloud

The Enterprise Development Environment

Give developers the flexibility they need to provision their own secure cloud development environments in minutes, with the tools and infrastructure you pre-approve.

A button labeled "Create Workspace", a file named "" opened with Coder configuration, and a list of technologies compatible with Coder, including Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker, and others.
Next-Gen Environments

Coder modernizes cloud development

Coder delivers what traditional CDEs fundamentally couldn‘t: a fast, secure, and ephemeral cloud development experience that outperforms local and gives enterprises the agility and scale they require.

Explore Coder‘s Well-Architected Framework
  • Run Coder at scale without penalty

    Built on Go, Coder runs at internet scale, enabling concurrent operations with highly performant and distributed multiprocessing capabilities.

  • Reduce latency with superior networking

    By using advanced TCP/IP strategies like buffering, compression, and peer-to-peer NAT traversal, Coder delivers low latency and high resiliency.

  • Standardize workspaces via Terraform

    Coder uses Terraform to standardize deployment of ephemeral development environments, allowing for easy addition of new features and capabilities.

Customers Deploying Coder at Scale
Goldman Sachs
Mercedes Benz
Many starter templates from Coder to start anywhere you want, including Google Cloud, Azure, Digital Ocean, Docker, and more.
Secure Deployment

Install Coder anywhere

Coder is open source and can be installed on any cloud, including air-gapped environments. Developers can run Linux, Windows, and macOS in secure workspaces, accessing powerful infrastructure on any platform.

Install Coder on your cloud
  • Centralize source code in your cloud

    Coder reduces code and data exfiltration risks by moving sensitive IP from developers‘ decentralized laptops to your secure cloud.

  • Push global vulnerability updates

    Centralizing development environments in your cloud improves responsiveness and allows you to instantly push patches to all developer workspaces.

  • Integrate with your ecosystem

    Coder integrates with Backstage, JetBrains, VS Code, JFrog, and more, so your team can continue using the tools you already approved.

Happy Developers

Deliver a premium developer experience

With just a few clicks, developers can start their own ephemeral cloud development environments with the IDEs, tools, and infrastructure they already use and love.

Explore Coder‘s developer experience
The user interface of a Coder workspace displaying the workspace name, current status, available applications, and control actions.
Coder workspaces UI
  • Spin up ephemeral environments

    Coder workspaces are ephemeral, allowing developers to move quickly, experiment freely, and easily restart if something breaks beyond repair.

  • Tailor developer workspaces

    With Dev Containers, developers can customize their individual workspaces with additional approved tools from Artifactory and other repositories.

  • Provide familiar IDEs and tools

    Grant developers access to the same web-based and desktop IDEs they already use, including VS Code, IntelliJ, Jupyter, code-server, and more.

Coder template editor UI for editing templates directly in the browser
UI displaying all versions of a Coder template, highlighting the active version
Consistent Environments

Define environments as code

With Coder templates, platform teams can standardize the tools and infrastructure in developers‘ cloud development environments, ensuring consistency and security by default.

Explore best practices for creating templates
  • Create your first template today

    Write a Coder template from scratch or visit the Coder Registry to choose a starter template for AWS, Azure, GCP, Docker, Kubernetes, and more.

  • Manage templates via Terraform

    Coder templates are written in Terraform, making it easy for teams to version control, review, and manage changes to cloud infrastructure and tools.

  • Control template access

    Template access controls allow platform teams to manage which individuals and groups can modify and create workspaces from each template.

Optimized Costs

Operate with increased efficiency

Coder offers superior governance and security without sacrificing the developer experience, surpassing the possibilities of traditional local development environments.

Read more about resource optimization
Coder workspace scheduling interface for configuring automatic start and stop times for workspaces
Terraform configuration file defining resource quotas for Coder workspaces
  • Eliminate weeks of onboarding time

    Onboard developers instantly with a few clicks, speeding up their first commit, maximizing their productivity, and improving their experience.

  • Avoid unnecessary cloud spend

    Automatically start and stop workspaces when they become inactive, and set user-level resource budgets to prevent runaway cloud costs.

  • Unlock faster builds and model training

    Provide developers and ML engineers access to powerful CPU and GPU resources available at scale in your cloud for intensive training processes.

Learn more about Coder

  • Visit Coder Docs

    Explore how to get up and running with your own Coder deployment.

    Read more
  • Well-Architected Framework

    Learn how to operate a reliable and scalable Coder deployment.

    Read more
  • Build vs. Buy

    Learn more about the tradeoffs between building and buying a CDE.

    Read more
  • Compare Coder

    Check out how Coder compares to other popular CDEs.

    Read more

Explore Coder Cloud Development Environments

Coder is open source and free to use. Get started by learning more about how to install Coder locally or in your cloud.