Build vs Buy

Developers are unique and their systems are tailored to their workflow and style. It’s tempting to consider building a self-hosted Cloud Development Environment that covers all of your current requirements and corner cases.  But as with anything technology related, those requirements change frequently and rapidly. Coder’s enterprise-ready CDE has the functionality, flexibility, and scalability that modern developers want along with the security and support that product owners demand. Some key points to consider:

Build a CDE
Buy Coder
Design and Deploy
Design and Deploy

All of the components to build your own CDE are available in the open source ecosystem however it still requires you to gather requirements, scope, design, build, test, UAT, deploy, train, document, etc.

Comprehensive documentation allows most customers to self-start. If you have a unique use-case a call with Coder’s Solutions Engineers will get you going in no time. You can even try out a pilot hosted on your laptop – right now – with two simple commands.


RCAs, bug hunting, infrastructure troubleshooting, etc.

Email [email protected] or self-serve with docs and community support.


Continuous loop of refining, adapting, and connecting various pieces of code. This process can introduce more bugs and support challenges, but it's an integral part of our development journey.

Coder’s product and engineering teams are constantly adding segment-leading features inspired by the latest development trends and the requirements of our customers.


Regularly scan, remediate, retest, and rebuild. Vulnerabilities overlooked at the platform level can introduce supply chain vulnerabilities in your product.

Monthly releases with the latest security fixes, more frequent point releases for critical bug fixes.


Expect to dedicate headcount for compliance and active bug fixing. Easy to deploy basic features for one or two teams, but difficult to scale.

Run any OS, any IDE, any IDP, and Git provider. Scale to thousands of users with declarative infrastructure configuration and workspace templates.