Hashicorp Vault

August 05, 2024

This guide will walk you through the process of adding HashiCorp Vault integration to Coder workspaces.

Coder makes it easy to integrate HashiCorp Vault with your workspaces by providing official terraform modules to integrate Vault with Coder. This guide will show you how to use these modules to integrate HashiCorp Vault with Coder.


vault-github is a terraform module that allows you to authenticate with Vault using a GitHub token. This modules uses the existing GitHub external authentication to get the token and authenticate with Vault.

To use this module, you need to add the following code to your terraform configuration:

module "vault" {
  source               = "registry.coder.com/modules/vault-github/coder"
  version              = "1.0.7"
  agent_id             = coder_agent.example.id
  vault_addr           = "https://vault.example.com"
  coder_github_auth_id = "my-github-auth-id"

This module will install and authenticate the vault CLI in your Coder workspace.

Users then can use the vault CLI to interact with the vault, e.g., to het a kv secret,

vault kv get -namespace=YOUR_NAMESPACE -mount=MOUNT_NAME SECRET_NAME
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